Continuing Professional Development
Our team continue to train and grow our skills by attending conferences and updating our certifications.
Dr. Miriam Meek
Claire Jenkins
- Anaesthesia & Critical Care Cert 1
- Anaesthesia & Critical Care Cert 2
- Anaesthesia CPD Certificate
- Age & Anaesthesia CPD Certificate
- BVNA Congress of 2010
- BVNA Congress of 2011
- Case Studies in Canine Dermatology CPD Certificate
- Case Studies in Feline Dermatology CPD Certificate
- Diagnostic Techniques in Canine Dermatology Certificate
- European Certificate European
- From fat to fit CPD Certificate
- Getting More out of Urine CPD Certificate
- Hills Nutritional Advisor Programme part 1
- Hills Nutritional Advisor Programme part 2
- Hills Nutritional Advisor Programme part 3
- Hills Nutritional Advisor Programme part 4
- Hills Nutritional Advisor Programme part 5
- Veterinary Healthcare Advisor Certificate
- Institute of Leadership & Management Certificate
- Intravenous Fluids CPD Certificate
- Joint Management CPD Certificate
- Pet Obesity – our new understanding of the disease & why we cant ignore it CPD certificate
- RCVS / Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Certificate
- Recover CPR: Basic Life Support
- Rehabilitation in Practice CPD Certificate
- Surgical Nursing
- Swim to Slim CPD Certificate
- The art & science behind pet obesity clinics course Certificate
- The Nightmare Patient Certificate
- The Spinal patient & decision making management CPD certificate
- Training for healthy puppy development / Training the Athlete / Common injuries of working dogs Certificate
- Traveling pets CPD Certificate
- Advanced Anaesthesia CPD Certificate
- Vet Expo CPD Certificate 2024
- What makes a good vet
- Wound Management & Effective weight loss CPD Certificate
- Wound Management Course