What you need to know about desexing your dog or cat.
Why should I desex my female dog or cat?
Desexing (or speying) female animals, minimises the risk of cancers of the reproductive organs and the mammary glands. It prevents unwanted pregnancies and removes the hassle of bleeding on your furniture (which occurs when they come “on heat.”) It can also make the pet more relaxed around other pets.
Why should I desex my male dog or cat?
Desexed (neutered or castrated) males are less likely to roam, urine-mark their territory, or fight with other males. They are less likely to develop prostate cancer later in their lives.
How much does it cost to desex a dog?
The total cost of the procedure depends on the sex, the size of the dog, and lifestage / heat cycle, please call to speak to one of our friendly staff for a quotation.
When are animals usually desexed?
The operation is usually performed when your pet is about six months old.

I have an adult dog, can they still be desexed?
Yes. Dogs of any age can be desexed.
What is involved in the procedure?
In females, an ovariohysterectomy is performed (removal of the uterus and ovaries) via an abdominal incision.
In males, the testicles are removed from the scrotum via an incision just behind the penis.

What precautions are taken to ensure the safety of my pet?
All animals undergoing a general anaesthetic for desexing at Potts Point Vet Hospital routinely receive the following included as part of the procedure at no extra charge:
- Pre-anaesthetic exam by one of our veterinarians
- Pre-anaesthetic in-house blood test panel
- Intravenous catheter placement to safely administer medications and fluids
- Intravenous fluid therapy for the duration of the procedure
- The use of modern anaesthetic monitoring equipment
- Qualified and highly experienced veterinary nurses monitoring the anaesthetic at all times
- Stitches that are placed under the skin. This minimises the likelihood of the animal licking at the wound and eliminates the need for stitch removal
- Post-operative injectable pain medication
- Post-operative discharge consultation and handout
For more information on desexing your dog or cat, contact Potts Point Veterinary Hospital today.